Assistance for Women, Infants, and Children
Contact Information
414 E. Main St.
Union MO. 63084
Phone: 636-583-7307
FAX: 636-584-0845
What is WIC?
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a special supplemental nutrition program which provides services to pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children up to their 5th birthday based on nutritional risk and income eligibility.
What benefits does WIC offer?
Health Screenings (Height/Weight/Hemoglobin Check)
Nutritional Risk Assessment
Nutrition Education and Counseling
Breastfeeding support, education and assistance
Free or loaned breast pumps
Referrals to community based programs
Supplemental Food Vouchers
Who is eligible to receive WIC benefits?
Pregnant women
Postpartum women
Up to 6 months after pregnancy loss
Breastfeeding women (up to 1 year after delivery)
Non-breastfeeding women ( up to 6 months after delivery)
Infants/Children from birth to five years
All applicants must meet income eligibility guidelines.
Individuals who meet income and category guidelines will be assessed for nutritional risk factors
You do not have to be a US citizen to participate in WIC
Click on the image below to apply for WIC.
Program Related Links
WIC Approved Stores and Clinic Sites
The state of Missouri publishes a list of stores and clinics that are approved to accept WIC funds. Please follow this link below to view the list.
WIC Visit
In order to enroll in the WIC Program we must complete state and federal requirements. To help make your appointment go as smoothly as possible we ask that you review the information below to make sure you bring all of the required paperwork to your appointments.
Appointment Types:
Certification/Recertification (C/RC). Required yearly. All individuals that are enrolling into the WIC program or who are to be recertified MUST be present.
o You MUST bring in your proofs: If any of the required proofs are missing, your appointment may need to be re-scheduled - Click here to view required proofs.
Nutrition Education or Class: You or your named alternative representative will need to be present.
6 month Midcertification / Midcertification (6MC/MC): Reassessment of the infant or child's height & weight and HGB check as needed. The infant/child will need to be present unless you can bring in ht/wt measurements from the doctor (no more than 60 days old). You will also need to bring a current shot record.
Finger stick/hemoglobin testing (FS/HGB): The individual needing the test will need to be present. Usually, this is done for the post-partum mom who is 4-6 weeks post-partum, the 9-11 month old, or every 6-12 months as needed based on test results.
eWIC Benefit Issuance / VO: You or your named proxy or alternative representative will need to be present.
High Risk (HR): If the participant is an expectant or post-partum mom, they will need to be present. If the appointment is for a child, the alternative representative can come with the child for the appointment.
If you cannot keep an appointment, please call in ADVANCE. 636-583-7307
Failure to provide necessary information may require rescheduling.
If you need special formula, please make sure you have your special formula form with you OR that your physician has faxed it prior to your visit. No prescriptions can be accepted - the specific Medcial Documentation Health Care Provider Authorization (WIC-27) form must be completed.
Lactation Support
The Women, Infants, and Children program provides lactation support for education and assistance to breastfeeding families at no cost. Breastfeeding support and assistance is available during regular business hours. We ask that you call prior to your scheduled appointment to set up a time to meet with our lactation support staff.
Breast Pump Program:
Franklin County WIC offers a breast pump program to help meet the needs of breastfeeding mothers on WIC. The following types of pumps are available:
Free hand held Medela pumps:
Hand held non-electric pump. Used for occasional pumping, not intended to enhance or maintain milk supply. -
Medela Lactina and Hygeia EnDeare Double Electric Hospital grade breast pumps and tubing:
Available for loan only to current WIC participants after delivery. The breastfeeding mom may use the pump for one year as long as she is breastfeeding and has not missed scheduled WIC appointments.The pumps are available to any participant, however first priority will be given to:-
Premature or hospitalized infants or mothers
Infants with feeding or latching on problems
Low Milk Supply
Mother of multiple infants
Temporary breastfeeding problems such as engorgement and medication contraindicated for breastfeeding
Mother returning to work or school
Medela Pump In Style Advanced:
The Pump In Style Advanced is an all-in-one solution ideal for working mothers. All in one pump and backpack. Free single use electric pump to qualifying participants. For more information please contact Megan 636-583-7311 or Alisa 636-584-6270.